In 1997, the Osteoporosis Education Bill (New York State Public Health Law 2707) was signed. This bill established the New York State Osteoporosis Prevention Education Program (NYSOPEP) within the New York State Department of Health. This educational initiative makes it possible for all New Yorkers (consumers and healthcare providers) to learn about the causes of osteoporosis, the value of prevention and early detection, and options for treatment.

Helen Hayes Hospital, a New York Presbyterian Hospital affiliate, operated by the New York State Department of Health has been designated to serve as the New York State Osteoporosis Prevention and Education Program Statewide Osteoporosis Resource Center. The Bureau of Community Chronic Disease Prevention in the New York State Department of Health helps to promote partnerships between the New York State Department of Health, NYSOPEP and other interested groups.

NYS Department of Health
Bureau of Community Chronic Disease Prevention
Connie Stephano, RDN, CDN
Public Health Nutritionist
150 Broadway, Suite 350, Albany, NY 12204
Phone: (518) 402-6768

Click on to visit The New York State Department of Health

The NYSOPEP Statewide Osteoporosis Center at Helen Hayes Hospital develops and disseminates osteoporosis education materials throughout New York State, coordinates the statewide osteoporosis education program, maintains and updates the NYSOPEP website (www.nysopep.org), and provides both community and professional education about osteoporosis. NYSOPEP information is accurate, current and evidence-based.


Statewide Osteoporosis Resource Center
Helen Hayes Hospital
Route 9W
West Haverstraw NY, 10993
(845) 786-4772 or Toll Free (888) 70-REHAB x 4772

The Helen Hayes Hospital NYSOPEP Team:
NYSOPEP Coordinator: Kelly Strauss-Nogula, M.S. C.C.C., SLP


NYSOPEP Nutrition Specialist: Catherine Golub, RD. CDN

As the state’s coordinating center for NYSOPEP, the team at Helen Hayes Hospital educates consumers and healthcare providers about osteoporosis prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment. NYSOPEP professionals develop and disseminate current and accurate information about osteoporosis, as well as establish and provide training and education programs. 845-786-4772 (or 1-888-70-REHAB, ext. 4772)

Helen Hayes Hospital

Helen Hayes Hospital is one of the nation’s leading specialty hospitals, offering innovative care and treatment to people with physical disabilities and chronic disabling diseases. Founded in 1900, the physical rehabilitation hospital is beautifully situated overlooking the Hudson River in West Haverstraw, New York, just 35 minutes north of New York City. It offers the highest quality of care and treatment in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Helen Hayes Hospital Osteoporosis Center

The Helen Hayes Hospital Osteoporosis Center is well equipped to help individuals build and maintain healthy bones and recuperate from disabling fractures. What sets the Osteoporosis Center at Helen Hayes Hospital apart is its comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to excellence in research and management of osteoporosis.

The Helen Hayes Hospital Osteoporosis Center provides:

  • comprehensive services in the prevention, identification, and physical treatment of osteoporosis
  • expertise of a diverse team of highly trained Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Nurses, Dieticians and Recreational Therapists
  • unparalleled depth and range of services available within a physical rehabilitation hospital setting
  • group bone health support groups
  • group strong bones exercise programs open to all

The Osteoporosis Center provides a full range of services. For more information, call 845-786-4318 or 1-888-70-REHAB, ext. 4318.

Consultation with Osteoporosis Specialists

Consultations can be made with certified Physical Therapists specializing in osteoporosis who can treat osteoporosis and its physical complications. For more information or to make an appointment, call 845-786-4318 or 1-888-70-REHAB, ext. 4318.

Osteoporosis Support & Education Groups

Support Groups play an important role in helping individuals learn more about osteoporosis. Sharing knowledge, feelings, and experiences with other people in similar situations can help individuals overcome the challenges of osteoporosis and gain a positive outlook in a social and relaxed atmosphere. Featured speakers include multidisciplinary professionals specialized in reducing the risk factors for osteoporosis and broken bones. The Osteoporosis Support & Education Group is coordinated by the Helen Hayes Hospital NYSOPEP team. Programs are complimentary and open to any individual in the community interested in the promotion of stronger bones. For more information, call the NYSOPEP Office, (845) 786-4020
or Toll Free (888) 70-REHAB x 4020.

Research Opportunities

Helen Hayes Hospital scientists have participated in recognized publications on Osteoporosis. Results from their research studies appeared in various leading journals, such as the New England Journal of Medicine, The American Journal of Medicine, The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, and Osteoporosis International. Click to visit Helen Hayes Hospital Osteoporosis Center

Physical Therapy

Physical therapists at Helen Hayes Hospital specializing in bone and muscle disorders provide both inpatient and outpatient evaluation to assess strength, mobility, balance, as well as pain. Physical therapy teaches individuals how to move safely to prevent falls and broken bones. Therapy is also important to help restore safe movement following fracture. The Helen Hayes Outpatient Rehabilitation Center accepts referrals from doctors and other healthcare providers. For additional information, or to make an appointment, call 845-786-4194
(West Haverstraw). Click to visit the Helen Hayes Hospital Outpatient Rehabilitation Center.

Helen Hayes Hospital Wellness Center

‘Strong Bones, Stronger Me’ is the only group exercise program of its type in New York Sate. This is a specialty program developed and run by a Physical Therapist for individuals with Osteoporosis. Open this link “Osteo Exercise” in your browser for more information about classes.

Individualized exercise programs in the hospital’s Wellness Center are available to help participants maintain strength, balance, flexibility, healthy bones, and overall wellness. The Center offers professionally supervised exercise in a fully accessible setting for individuals with any type of medical diagnosis, including but not limited to osteoporosis. For more information, call 845-786- 4020 or click to visit the Helen Hayes Hospital Wellness Center.

Adapted Sports and Recreation

The Helen Hayes Hospital Adapted Sports & Recreation Program offers a wide range of recreational and competitive events for current and former patients, as well as for individuals living in the community of all abilities and disabilities who are interested in trying a new activity or resuming a sport or activity. Experienced staff including recreational and physical therapists supervise all activities, taking into account individual needs. The adapted sports and recreation program activities include gardening, golf, and yoga, among others. Pre-registration is required for all programs and events. For more information please contact the Adaptive Sports Coordinator at 845-786-4950 or click to visit Helen Hayes Hospital Adaptive Sports & Recreation.