Key Points for Men

  • It is important to follow the universal strategies to promote stronger bones.

  • Many of the risk factors for osteoporosis in men are the same as those for women such as having certain medical condition or taking medications that increase the likelihood of bone loss and/or osteoporosis.All men should speak to their healthcare provider about bone health. It is important to:

    • Ask for a height measurement as part of your routine health examination
    • Use the NYSOPEP risk assessment tool for Men to help you find out about and discuss your risk factors for osteoporosis
    • Discuss how your medical conditions and the medications you take affect your bone health
    • Find out when the right time is for you to have a BMD test
  • Bone mineral density testing is recommended for all men age 70 or older regardless of risk factors and for men age 50 or older with significant risk factors for osteoporosis or broken bones.

  • If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, it important to consult with your healthcare provider to find out if there is an underlying medical condition causing bone loss that can be treated. For example, low testosterone levels or celiac disease can often be treated to prevent further bone loss.

  • If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, there are FDA-approved osteoporosis medications to reduce bone loss and reduce the risk for broken bones.